Friday 18 September 2009

Cake for Help?

Incredibly, Issue 2 still isn't done.

This is down to one key factor: a bunch of articles have gone missing.

Don't panic about the articles -- I very much doubt anybody's poached them or anything, but they seem to have been swallowed by my email box and/or download folder. I will find them, I just haven't yet. Still looking.

This issue is still going to be a free online download to encourage you to pass it along to your friends digitally. This is for a number of reasons: it's really late and that's just silly, I love you all really, and I can't pay the printers for the hard copies until somebody starts funding us.

But I'm not advertising.

This sudden crazy busy business is making me think it would be a good idea to recruit some fellow Villains to help me put the magazine together so it can be a more regular thing without me foregoing sleep altogether. It obviously doesn't pay, and apart from the mission statement that I wrote when I was sugar high one night, it's driven by my view of the world and is subject to my Rules of Publishing.

These Rules of Publishing include but are not limited to:

1. Don't treat people like idiots.
2. Don't advertise unless you believe in what you're pandering and the content can make up for it. (We just don't)
3. Publish stuff that you'd like to read.

The content is arbitrary and heavily dependent on submissions. That's not a weakness, that's just the way I roll. I guess I'm looking for help with copy editing, content, reviews, funding, and promotion. I still intend to do everything else.

So if you or anyone you know wants to write for The Antagonist or help in any other way, you will be rewarded for your assistance with:

1. My undying gratitude
2. The magazine you know and love published more regularly
3. Something undeniably cool to put on your CV (and a wicked reference from Yours Truly)
4. Awesome assignments (i.e. interview this band, photocopy this person's ass, make fun of this movie, etc, etc)
5. All the cake you can eat.

So if you want to help out or write for the magazine, please email me; I won't bite you unless you're lucky.

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