Monday 25 May 2009

Will Bake For Toner

Have just spoken to the photocopier guy, and it turns out that the start-up costs of leasing a photocopier with quarterly payments and admin fees are a bit more than I expected. Have worked out the numbers and the photocopier is still the best plan, however, our "small business loan" is too small for a bank, but that's probably a good thing. The plan of attack we've come up with is much more "us" anyway.

We're going to hire a late-night bar, host a bake sale (yes, really), and have our muso friends DJ. Awesome. Now we just need to pick a night...

All of this printing preparation has really dominated business at the Headquarters, and so the June (online) issue is going to come out a little late. It's just as well, really, because I want to use most of the content for the first printed issue of the new series, and it might not help to have the same content online with unlimited availability. I'm still undecided regarding the print/online policy: the general consensus seems to be that if you make the copy available online, no one will buy the magazine (which I don't entirely believe -- the physical object is worth a great deal in and of itself), but I don't want the website to suffer because of this. I'm thinking I'll continue posting things on the website that don't fit in the magazine, like the full transcription of interviews, short stories, my own ramblings, etc. I want the website and the magazine to be able to coexist peacefully, and more than that, to be mutually beneficial.

Obviously no adverts on either. Unless they're fake, of course.

The major issue with the photocopier is location: where are we going to put it? There's already a drum kit next to the desk and there isn't really anywhere else that can go. The Headquarters might be relocating soon, anyway, and that raises to issue of further office space and actual transport for the photocopier.

Regardless of the logistical problems with it, the photocopier is still our best bet for publishing without making a loss or selling ad space. And that's a good thing.

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